Attorney Tips for Dealing With Independent Medical Evaluations

If you're involved in an accident that calls for compensation to deal with injuries, an independent medical evaluation may be required. It's intended to show the extent of your injuries. If you consider these legal tips from attorneys, you'll deal with your upcoming medical evaluation correctly. See What Is Potentially Being Disputed Before this independent medical examination gets underway, it can help to find out what potential injuries are being questioned.

What Surgical Procedures Do Orthopedic Surgeons Often Conduct For Chronic Pain Relief?

Orthopedic surgeons perform a wide variety of different surgical procedures every day. In fact, without the treatment provided by these medical professionals, many people would be suffering from a great deal of chronic pain. Fortunately, the education, training, and experience of orthopedic surgeons give them the ability to relieve chronic pain and help many patients regain their mobility as well. These are some of the different surgical procedures that orthopedic surgeons often conduct to relieve chronic pain.

Faqs About Joint Replacement: Are You A Candidate?

Stiff, painful, creaky joints are common as we age. The wear and tear our joints endure during a lifetime is tremendous, so it's no wonder some joints just out and require replacements. If you suffer from painful joints that limit your mobility, you may wonder if you're a candidate for joint replacement services. What joints can be replaced? And how long to these replacements last? Here are some answers to some common questions you and others may have about joint replacement.

Don't Skip The Post-Surgery Therapy

One of the steps for recovery after you have orthopedic surgery is often to get physical therapy. Despite insurance companies treating therapy as optional, it's really not. Even if you don't go to an official physical therapist and just have exercises assigned to you by your doctor, you need to do these to take full advantage of your body's ability to heal. The therapy is meant to restore your range of motion in a safe manner, and if you skip it, you could end up limiting your normal movements for months, if not longer.

Why Your Orthopedist May Recommend Orthotics?

What are orthotics? You may have heard this term before, used to describe special footwear that can be worn to help support the arch, result in cleaner and straighter toes, and to provide you other results. You have never worn one, but your recent bone injury, surgery, or other condition has caused you to hear this word thrown around more frequently by your orthopedist so now you're curious. Why would your orthopedist recommend orthotics to you?